Window Repair services in Boston

We service and repair most replacement windows, but some companies have gone out of business and parts are no longer available. Call if you are having a hard time closing or opening the window, window is falling out, or has fogged up glass.

Window Repair Services

  • Window Balances
  • Window Shoes
  • Window Pins
  • Double Pane Window Glass
  • Window Crank Arms

Window Repair Process

Window repair is a two-step process. First step is figuring out whats wrong and what parts are needed. This is done by taking one of the windows apart. Pictures will be taken and sent to parts warehouse. Once parts have arrived, we will schedule the repair.

Window Balance Repair

Your window will stop moving up and down if the balances are broken. Window Balances also know as springs, assist the window and allow it to suspend. The balances on the bottom sash are always working and engaged to help assist you when opening the window.